303 San Mateo Blvd NE, Suite 104
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Ph: 505.808.2870 Fax: 505.322.2709
For Professionals
Thank you for considering our team to care for your patient. We are honored to partner with you or take it from here.
If you prefer to speak with someone, you may contact our office.
Phone: 505-808-2870
Fax: 505-322-2709
We need a referral, a face sheet, clinical records if possible.
Our admissions coordinator will contact all responsible parties to coordinate family consultations and/or patient assessments.
The decision to refer to hospice requires a combination of your professional clinical judgement, Medicare regulations, and input from the patient and family. Prognostication tools can also help. We are available to discuss with you any time you want to talk through your patient.
Discussion about end-of-life care and preferences with patients and their families are some of the hardest but often rewarding conversations. Clear and open discussions reduce fear and anxiety and help patients receive the right care at the right time.

Our Commitment to You
Superior team based end of life care for your patient and their loved ones.
Partnership with local services whenever possible
Availability to discuss potential patients with you any time.
Availability to perform in services for you and your team